Friday, December 4, 2009

For Kaitlin..

do you have a sexual attraction to girls or boys?:Kaitlin Ariel Mark.
are you pale or tan or kind of an inbetweener?:I'm an inbetweener pumpkin eater.
what do you think of the word 'weener'?:My dick cost a late night fee
Your dick got the HIV
do you have long or short nails?(why):Depends..
do you ever wear anything with sequins?:Can't say I do..
have you ever consider growing a mustach/dating someone with a mustach?:Why would I grow a crustache.. <_<>
do you like wine?(what kind particularly):Here and there, not too much though
do you prefer skinny people or people with a bit of meat on the bones?:Either.
does the idea of death scare you?:From time to time.
do you believe you're going to heaven?:I have no idea..
what type of bottled water do you prefer?:No real preference.
do you like to wear anything in your hair?(feathers,hairbands,baretts):Bandannazz?
do you like to cook?(if so, what's your fav. thing to cook):Sometimes, no real specialty as of yet.
what is your favorite magazine to read?:Never really had a favorite, maybe Project CAR?
what religion do you follow if any?if you don't follow any,why not?:Temporarily on hold.
do you have a digital camera?(what kind):Sony Cybershot W55.
what do you mostly like to take pictures of?:The sky, playing with lighting & angles on cars from time to time, memories, Kaitlin.
who are your best friends?list from youngest to oldest:I'm not going to mess with ages.. but probably Ben & Evelyn, then Damien & Clint?
do you like to wear fancy hats?:Nothing fancy, actually.. hardly hats at all.
do you think jessica alba is pretty/hot?:Yeah, sure. (I'll just keep Kaitlin's answer)
are you familiar with the brand 'valentino'?:Nope.
how tall are you exactly?(inches please):5'11".
have you ever seen desperate housewives?:Yeah, but I don't follow, that's my dad's domain.
what colour is your hair?(in detail please):Ash brown.
have you ever dyed your hair with store bought dye?:Once, wanted to do it again but never got the chance..
do you ever wear gloves/mittens during cold weather?:If I remember to bring/find them.
how do you feel in detail RIGHT AT THIS SECOND?:I'm upset, overwhelmed, have a bunch of work to do that isn't getting done, missing a lot of things (my chink-o, happiness, opportunity)
what's better, thai or chinese cuisine?:Chinese. Haven't had Thai. (same here..)
do you think high heels make girls look more attractive?:Yes.
is it gross to not shave your legs if you're a girl?:Yes.
do you own more tee shirts or jeans?:Tee Shirts.
between macy's and nordstoms, what do you prefer?:Nordstrom, Macy's is nothing special.
does your hair ever get in the way of your eyes?:Yes.
how long are your fingernails?:...AVERAGE SIZED. (stop having the same answers as ME)
what does the texture of your skin feel like?:Smooth, NOT silky. (not a milk bather, unlike Kaitlin)
do you spend more time smiling or frowning?:Smiling.. today is just not one of those days.
do you like to go garage sale scavenging?:Yes, when I have time to.
what's better, something new and modern or something old and vintage?:....Ugh, Both. I can't decide. (I thought about this and have come to the same conclusion..)
are you photogenic according to others?:According to others, no clue. According to me, not really.. I'm always making one of these faces :S
describe your favorite pair of shoesies::I don't think i have a favorite anymore.. I need new ones to be able to answer this truthfully.
do you own a credit card?(if so, do you use it often):I'm supposed to have one.. but I doubt I'll ever use it unless emergency. I'm not one to like to be in debt.
do you follow trends?(be honest):What kind of trends? I don't think I do really, unless you want to say that Eddie Vedder, Jimmy Page and Billy Corgan set trends to the tune of my wardrobe..
angelina jolie,jennifer aniston,j-lo,gwyneth paltrow?:Angelina if anything, haha.
how often do you regret your actions?:I do more than I should (quite the opposite of you..)
do you ever watch or read the weekly news?:Here and there, mainly when I'm home and its on.
do you think 'brigette jones diary' is a good movie?:Never saw it.
what do people usually say to you regaurding your appearance?:Not too much, probably that its greasy / sloppy / looks like shit.
do you ALWAYS make your bed in the morning before you start the day?:ALWAYS? No. Sometimes, especially when there's company coming, sure.
how many hours of sleep do you get per night usually?is it enough?:Depends, usually 6-8, and I guess so.
how old you act/feel/look?:I probably act 19, feel 19, look 16.
how old are you in reality?:19.
what is your favorite book genre?:Non Fiction as well I guess.
do you like spicy food?what's your favorite spicy food?:Sometimes, probably something mexican, nothing I can think of off the top of my head though
do you have sensitive teeth?:YES. Like, ALL of them, no lie. :[
do you like recieving beauty tips from other people?:Sure, I like to improve the way I look from time to time.
what have you experienced more of, love or sex?:Sex. I've experienced less love than I thought I did in the first place..
would you consider yourself amazing?:Not really.
do you think every individual human being matters?:Yes.
is life pointless?:Depends on your perspective and what you chose to do with it.
what was the best thing you bought this month?:Honestly, probably a new car to make life bearable. But it was a pretty uneventful month anyhow.
how much money do you spend on average weekly?:Like. None. Because I usually don't have any. (Ditto, with the exception of gas from time to time..)
how often do you clean up?:Depends what there is to clean up and where. In my apartment, every day or so, depending on how busy I am.
what are you most excited about in life to come?:Being a *BLANK*. Being in Love, in a Happy Relationship, Eventually having a family of my own, Travelling, Learning, There's so many things. (Yes, that's all I changed because I have no idea.. and we're on the same page as far as everything else is concerned..)
would you ever spy on a boyfriend/girlfriend if you were suspicious?:I have and I'm glad I did. It got me out of a bad situation before I got lied to anymore and things got any worse. It's unfortunate, but also life.
do you completely trust your current boyfriend/girlfriend or best friend?:Try and trust the girlfriend, I should be able to completely, but I have trust issues (as mentioned above). And, I.. don't have... a best friend.
the most interesting job you've had in your lifetime was?:Haven't really had any other jobs than this one, and its not all that interesting usually.
do you own anything designer label? what?:Probably, but what I don't know.
do you think the renaissance age was interesting?:Interesting from a historical perspective, nothing I'd want to live through.
do you like the subject of history or not at all?:It's interesting to appreciate and understand at least.
have you ever gone fishing?what's your biggest catch?:Like once or twice years ago.. but I think i caught one.. CRAPIE?
who is your favorite person to converse with?:Kaitlin, but it never happens.. I love listening to her open up and talk about her life, her experiences and her perspective on life, before, currently and what may be..
would you ever really want to be famous?:I don't really know, If I was famous, I'd make sure I wasn't like any other famous person out there. (I'll stick with this answer)
if you had endless amounts of money,what would you spend it on?:Endless? Well that I don't really know. I guess I'd move, be greedy and buy a bunch of stuff.. and treat Kaitlin the way she deserves to be treated..
if a man asked to put his finger in your mouth for $500,would you agree?:Even though its a little odd, I suppose.
what if he let you smell it first?:Yes?
what's the weirdest thing you've ever done in the bath tub/shower?:Not too much really.. I used to have a battery powered boat I'd play with, or listen to my ipod / watch a movie.. haha.
what is your secret to energizing yourself?:Fapping, Honestly. (True half the time, other half is setting some incentives really)
do you ever wear sunglasses?describe your favorite pair::Sometimes, I don't' really have a favorite pair, I've lost too many to even know if I have 1 pair anymore.
do you own an ipod?how often do you use it?:3 actually.. here and there I guess, not as much as I used to.
how do you feel about everyone texting constantly these days?:Just call already, since I still don't have texting back..
are you afraid of bees?:Not afraid, but don't appreciate they're presence usually.
do you ever wear the color pink?:Very rarely, I own, 1 or 2 shirts, maybe?
would you go homeless for a week for $2000?:For $2000, sure, I think I could swing it.
do you like to talk about yourself?:Depends who I'm talking to, but for the most part yes.
how much do looks matter?:To a degree, but they're not everything.
would you ever join a book-club?:Probably not, I don't read enough to really make it work. I kind of was in one in middle school.. but didn't read enough to keep up.
have you ever been served breakfast in bed?:No, besides being sick and having scrambled eggs to wake up to. But I really wish I had more than that..
do you believe all girls are really princesses?:Not at all.
how do you feel about the jonas brothers?:Never even listened to them.
do you post a lot of bulletins on myspace?:Nope, I haven't posted one in over a year probably.
do you ever write letters to loved ones?:Physical letters? No. Messages and short notes, occasionally.
how much was the last check you recieved worth?:I can't remember, $50 or something from work? (Not worth it)
do you like to go shopping?:Yeah, it depends what for though.
are you fertile right now?:Uh, Yes?
who was the last person you pictured naked?:Kaitlin
have you ever kissed someone of the same sex and enjoyed it?:*Shrug
do you consider yourself 'snoopy'?:*Shrugs. Not Really.
do you start to act like someone after being around them for awhile?:I studder when I'm around Tony, does that count?
have you ever been to a psychologist?:Nope.
do you like to watch the antique road show?:Hardly.
do you always do your strecthes before you exercise?:Nope.
what do you do when you have an itchy bug bite?:Scratch it indefinitely.
do you prefer wallpaper or painted walls?:Depends on the wallpaper, I usually default to paint though.
what's your favorite boardgame?who are your favorite people to play with?:Not really sure, I haven't played a board game in so long.. MOUSE TRAP?
what color is your bath robe?did you pick it out?:I don't have..
what's the lamest christmas present you've ever recieved?:I actually don't know.. it apparently was that bad I can't even tell you.
did you go to your junior/senior prom?why/why not?:Both. I don't know, it's prom and it was something decent to do.. both times were okay, but pretty uneventful really.
could you ever follow a strict banana diet?:Yes, but it would depend for how long..
what do you and your friends talk the most about?:It all depends on what's going on at the moment really.
name three reasons you like your favorite animal?:I can't even think of my favorite animal..
would you ever wear a bandana out in public?:Yeah, I have plenty of times before.
how good is macaroni and cheese on a scale of 1-100?:30. (I'll vouch for 30..)
if your bf/gf said they're ex's name in bed what would your reaction be?:*Dump. (Probably the same on this one too)
do you like to eat at fast food restaurants?:Eh, if its necessary, sure.. but if I have a choice usually not. I'd rather make my own meal than pay the same for 1 chz brgr and a cup full of ice w/ a shot of tea.
would you ever consider going buddhist?:YES. (You would) I haven't fully considered it, but I was curious if that counts, ha.
what's the most interesting topic in the world to you?:KAITLIN. SEX. CARCARCARCAR.
what makes a girl/boy good looking?:

I can't really describe it. Softness of face, how the eyes stand out, the lines of a smile.. Beyond that, style and being proportionate.

do you wear makeup?why/why not?:Nope, idk, haa
do you follow your parents rules?or did you when you lived with them?:

I do, they're pretty generous and it would end if I really started pissing them off it'd stop and I'd go completely broke..

do you think diamonds are pretty?:Sure, haha.. they're diamonds, what can I say.
do you have a problem with obese people?:Not really, but ignorance and other stereotypes that actually exsist with that person could create problems.
do you have a problem with hispanic people?:Nope, Kaitlin just wishes I was DADEE YANKEE.
do you ever wear a wristwatch?what brand?why/why not?:Sometimes, just not if I'm going to be working and risk messing it up. Its a...CARERRA
have you ever been to paris?do you want to go?why/why not?:No.. but I do want to :\
what's your favorite movie?how did it make you feel afterward?:I can't choose, I never really could.
have you ever aspired to look like a celebrity?who?:Yes, Bob Dylan + Eddie Vedder + Jimmy Page + Trent Reznor.
who do you do most of your venting to?:Evelyn.. she knows how to put things in perspective and give some honest feedback and suggestions.
how did you meet your best friend?:I don't think I have one..
how did you meet your current boyfriend/girlfriend?:Myspace + ALI? Okay.. Myspace ;]
how much time do you spend on the computer?why?:Way too much.. always too much to read/check/learn/someone to talk to..
do you have a stuffy nose or a runny nose more often?:Stuffy, 3 broken noses + fucked up sinus cavities FTL.
would you rather be an architect or a prima ballerina?:Architect. (Ditto)
would you like to give your mother a makeover?does she need one?:Sure, but she doesn't really need one at all. It just could be interesting..
are you afraid or spiders or snakes?:Not scared. But I don't really like spiders. (Same, or snakes for that matter..)
do you like asparagus or broccoli more? or neither?:Broccoli if I have to choose, but usually neither.
do you have any scars on your face? from what?:I don't think so, just my battle scorn nose..
have you ever seen a castle in real life?:A castle like house.. but never an actual CASTLE castle..
are you interested in the life of celebrities?:Meh, not worth bothering with.
what's your favorite eye color?:Hazel / brown. (Kaitlins <3)>
would you ever wear ripped tights as pants?:Nah, doubtful.
would you jump off a bridge if you didn't know how deep the water was?:NO. I HATE WATER. (Same.. plus ROCKS, in the bottom of water.. bad news, haha)
do you consider yourself risky business?:Nah, but Kaitlin is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
would other people refer to you as a slut?why or why not?:I doubt it..
do you typically like it when women wear bright red lipstick?:If it works for them, then sure.
do you like to watch classical 40's-50's movies?:I never really was able to, so I don't know.
have you ever been to a very formal extravagent event?:Somewhat, but not really.
do you like colors that are faded or extremely bright?:Both. (ditto)
what do you think of people who obsess over their weight?:If they look good and they obsess they should loosen up, but in some cases I can understand it.
are you a bit of a freak about grammar/spelling?:Both, sometimes grammar, but not as strict as spelling.
have you read the harry potter series?:I read like the first 3 years ago.. the first one twice for some reason if I remember right.. but I couldn't tell you half of what happened in the first book, let alone the rest.
have you read the chronicals or narnia series?:Nope.
have you read the twilight series?:Nope.
do you think the hype over twilight is a bit overkill?:Yes.
is your hair vibrant or dull looking?:It looks dull right now. :[ (No it doesn't, but mine definitely does)
describe your parents to me::My dad is John Travolta and my mom is Gloria Estefan
do you honestly believe that you're special?:In a way, I suppose so, but noone's proved it to me..
what would you change about your personality if you had to change anything?:I'm not sure really. I guess calm down, take things slower / more seriously, and to focus more. All of which I'm trying to do now..
what would you change about your appearance if you had to change something?:Putting my nose back the way it was pre-moshpit (perfect). Or maybe having longer hair, SKINNIER THIGHS.. nothing really, idk?
what's your favorite brand of bubblegum?:JUICY FRUIT?!
what's your favorite passtime during summer?:*Sigh, Summer Love. (*sigh.. that mainly.. and enjoying the weather, morning til night)
out of these places,where would you like to go:new york,milan or paris?:New York
how much cash do you have on you?how much will be left by the end of today?:On me, like under $40, by the end of today, roughly the same.
what does your swimsuit look like?:Swimming trunks.. like 2 pair.
what's your favorite song to listen to currently?:I don't know, it changes ALL the time. Currently, probably SKYS DA LIMIT
stripes or poka dots on formal wear?:Stripes on formal wear. (Agreed.)
would you shave your head for a relative dying of cancer?:Maybe, would it accomplish anything though?
what is your favorite culture?9that you find most interesting):Probably, yes, Asia.. specifically Japanese. But idk, maybe a little bit of Europe too..
have you ever watched anime porn?:Yes.
will you drink tea without sugar or cream?:I can, don't like to usually.
what's your favorite girl name?and boy?:I don't have a favorite yet either.. not really ready to pick a name just yet..
what's your favorite activity after work/school?:Sex. (I can agree with that.. haha)
do you make time for the gym?:Nope.
do you live a healthy lifestyle?:Somewhat, I think anyhow
if you got paid $3 million to smoke meth one time would you do it?:I don't know.. its possible, but not preferred.
are ladybugs cute?:In a way, sure.. but also all over my apartment <_<
describe what you look like while orgasming:::|
do you have any moles on your body?:Tons.. -1.
do you have nice,tamed eyebrows or unruly,bushy eyebrows?:Tame for the most part.
would you wear something made from snake skin?:Haha, sure.
what's the big hype about ugg boots?:I don't really know. (*shrug same on this one)
what's your favorite school subject?:Used to be math.. but no longer. I don't know, interesting wise maybe science and SHOP?
quote something from your favorite t.v. show::Ew. I don't like TV and I don't like Quotes. (I like quotes.. but I don't have a favorite TV show, let alone watch TV.)
what's your favorite flower?:No favorite :[
what's your favorite fragrance?:Curve Crush <3
will you leave the house without fragrance on?:In a hurry, yes.
is your hair managable in the morning?:For the most part.
do you want to live a life of luxury?:Would be nice..
do you like trix cereal?:I can't remember last time / if I even ever had it.
what's the nicest thing you've ever done?:I don't knoww. (I'd have to think about this one)
what's the coolest thing you've ever done for a significant other?:I DONT KNOW. YOU TELL ME. (no, you tell ME)
do you dream of getting married someday?:I don't daydream about it, but I look forward to it.
do you like stir fry?:Somewhat.
what do you think of naming your son after the father(ex. roy jr.):PWESTON JR??
do you like to scrapbook?:Nah, but I do enjoy going through old ones..
how much time do you spend with your friends per week?:When Ben comes to the apt between classes or if something breaks and I go to his house to fix it..
do you make good money doing what you do?:Psh, no.. I ngr around and get paid shit.
what is your favorite fruit?(describe the taste of it):


do you cut your own hair?:Nah, I try and not get my hair cut at all.. (Dec 17th)
what do you think of horses?:They're alright, I probably wouldn't own one though.
what's your favorite clothing store?:I'm not really sure, I go everywhere really. Maybe.. URBAN OUTFITTERS?!
what's the best gift you've ever received?:Uhhhmmmm. I dunno. (I can't really decide either.. :\)
what does your most attractive pair of underwear look like?:YOU TELL ME. (You tell ME)
what's one thing you consider very out of style?:Daddy Yankee Shirts for Girls.
do you think you have a good sense of humor?:I try to.
do you do your own laundry?(do you like to do it)?:Still a nope.
how good looking are you according to your significant other or ex?:YOU TELL ME. (You tell ME)
do you wear sweat pants a lot?:Sleeping, maybe. Even that's a big maybe.
does any part of your body hurt right now?(why or why not):My neck currently, my back always is sore, my stomach's probably next.
who do you love and what are you doing about it?:Kaitlin Ariel Mark. Trying to keep her as close to me for as long as possible <3
are you pursuing your dream, or is fear stopping you?:I don't have a dream..
are you doing something with your life that matters?:I'm pursuing a hobby in mechanics / car repair & upgrading. It might not really matter, but it keeps me busy and happy..
do you do anything to help others?:Some community service work with the fraternity on a rare occasion, but nothing too spectacular as of yet.
what's something you learned last week?:I'm a big piece of shit, a waste of time, a complete fuckup and am getting showed up by an ex. Also I'm a bother, an annoyance and overall a hinder on everyone's day.
what was your greatest accomplishment today?:I started, and am probably going to finish, this quiz..
which moment from last week was most memorable?:Actually getting to see Kaitlin before heading back up to school.
what do you do to avoid getting stressed out?:Sleep, schmoke, chill and apparently break soemthing.
what have you been avoiding that needs to get done?:Studying..
do you like to write with sharpies?:Sometimes.
did you set a new years resolution?(what was it?):I don't think I did to be honest..
what are your greatest fears?:Losing the people I love. Time. Being Unsuccessful. Death. (Fuck it, that's the same for me too..)
what are you most grateful for?:Everything, I just don't show it. (That and mainly life itself..)
do you live gravy on your mashed potatoes?:Yes.
if you had one week to live, who would you spend it with?:Everyone I possibly could. But mainly Kaitlin and my family..
do you get enough affection?:Not usually.
what health problems do you have if any?:Nothing really.
does getting/giving respect matter to you?how much?:Yes, a lot.
what does your family do that annoys you?:Not let the past go.
who is your favorite teacher and why?:Flemming @ Bucknell.
are you a confident person?why or why not?:Not usually.. I'm terrible at public speaking and I'm afraid of public judgement.
ahve you ever been mushroom-picking or asparagus-picking?:Nope.
do you like to spend reasons outdoors?give three reasons why::I like to spend TIME outdoors, yes.
where would you like to go on vacation?what would you do while there?:New York, visit, tourist, shop.
do you have any pets?how much do you love them?:2 cats, 1 dog.
have you ever been on a diet? why or why not?:Nah, I just eat smart.
do you like chocolate? what's your favorite kind?:I like it, no favorite kind.
how many pairs of jeans do you own? do they all fit?:I don't know, 10? Some do, most are too big.
is will smith funny?:Maybe in Fresh Prince... slightly.
your favorite scent/smell?:I have no clue.. just summer air really.
did you believe in santa claus when you were a child?:Yeah, for a while.
longest distance you've ever traveled on foot?:Not sure, probably a few miles.
longest distance you've ever traveled on a trip?:To the islands when I was little.
your favorite midnight snack?:CANDY?
do you have any family traditions? like what?:Not really.. opening one present Christmas Eve at night.
what's the biggest lie you've ever told?:I'm not sure really.. I can't map them out.
what is the best time you've ever had with your family?:I'm nto really sure
when was your life most out of control?:Probably right.. NOW.
what's worse, an each ache or a stomach ache?:Probably ear, but I wouldn't know so I'll default to stomach.
do you like champagne and caviar?:Champagne's alright, never had caviar.
what's your most treasured belonging?:Memories, Photos, Music.
what's the best movie you've seen in the past few months?:I haven't seen any..
what's the most memorable memory you've had on a plane/train or bus?:I guess getting stuck on the side of I-80 in NJ for 3 hours with Tony and Matty.. and a bunch of other guys headed to NYC..
what's the scariest experience you've ever had?:Probably near death experiences with a fucked up hunk of shit on wheels.
do you like cupcakes or regular cake better?:Cupcakes.
what is one of your stongest values?:Trust.
have you ever seen how long you can hold your breath for?(and how long):Yeah.. like a minute, maybe?
do you save your money or spend it at once?:I try and save it as much as possible.
did you or do you mind attending school?:I mind it, but usually its alright.
what's your favorite computer game?:GRAN TURISMO?! Or Need for Speed probably.
what's the biggest mistake people make on the first date?:Do not have sex. on the first date. (I'll stick with this one)
what is the most annoying thing someone could do to you?:Mock me.
are you sexist?:Nope.
are you sleepy right now?:Nah.
what is your ethnicity? is it obvious by looking at you?:Czech, dunno my mom's side.
do you get turned on easily?:Usually.
do you like to have slumber parties?(fav. slumber party activity):Haha, idk, never have.
do you have many secrets?:Maybe.
what's your favorite flavour of popsicle?:GRAPE?
do you like to ride bicycles?:Yeah, they're alright.
are you angry at anyone right now?why?:Maybe..
do you still like to colour?:Haha, sometimes.
what's your favorite children's show?:Spongebob / ANGRY ANGRY BEAVERS.
if you could have dinner with any celebrity,who would it be?:Not really sure..
do you think you have sex appeal?(honestly):Doubtful.
would you ever work for microsoft?:Sure.
do both of the speakers on your computer work?:Yep.
have you ever made a mix c.d. for anyone? describe it::A few maybe.. I can't even recall.
do you have lots of pictures from childhood?:Somewhere..
are you cold right now?:Kind of.
do you consider driving a hassle, or fun?:Fun.
do you believe in the phrase 'love one another'?:Sure.
would you ever show your private parts to strangers for money?:Maybe.
would the sky look better in another color?:It looks alright blue I guess. Idk.. GREEN?
do you like coffee? what's your favorite?:I can drink it.. but I prefer tea.
would you go on a blind date with someone you had talked to only once?:Doubtful, but it depends on the person.
if you could transform into a dog or bird instantly which would you choose?:Dog.
do you like the color yellow?:Sure.
do you like waffles? with what toppings?:Yes. Straberrys, whipped cream <3
do you like to go the beach? do you go often?:I like the beach, don't go often enough. Or when I do, too long at a time.
do you ever go on walks just for personal enjoyment?:Yep.
have you ever had a martini? what did you think?:Nope.
do you drink alcohol? why or why not?:Here and there, just for relaxation.
would you ever get band artwork tattood on you?:Doubtful.
do you believe your a strong person?:Sometimes.
do you like the show will and grace?:*Shrug it was alright.
do you consider yourself physically attractive?:Nope.
do you go watch live music often?:Nope.
do you think there's something pretty about balloons?:For some reason.
do you like to watch the stars at night? how does it make you feel?:Yes, especially with someone other than myself..